Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I'm Quirky

So, I wrote this list for my English class last semester and the teacher really liked it! This details some of my odd quirks so I hope you enjoy it!

1. I absolutely cannot wear socks to bed! It doesn't matter if it is below zero outside, if I am sleeping in a tent, or just a really cold bedroom. I would rather have my toes shrivel up and fall off then wear socks to bed. However, I love to have blankets that cover my feet or wear slippers around.

2. When watching an extremely sad or sappy movie or any movie that might make me cry it is best if I watch it while consuming a pint of Hagan Daas Rocky Road Ice Cream! This just seems to make the world a better place and reminds me that the world is not going to end just because the lives of the people in the movie were tragic or whatever!! I don't know...it just helps!

3. I believe that all books should be treated as if they were something sacred. They should all be stored in a safe and special environment. They should not be written in or dog eared and under NO circumstances should they ever be placed face down while open! That is blasphemy!

4. All of my books, movies, and CD's must be alphabetized.

5. I believe that old calendars make some of the best decorations because when they are ripped apart page by page there are twelve pictures of a related topic that are all the same size and great to gang on walls, doors, etc.

6. I think that I would like to live somewhere where it never got above seventy degrees, never got below thirty degrees and rained at least six months of the year. I know that this would mean that it would not get very sunny but to make up the difference I would simple paint my bedroom in bright shades of yellow and pink!

7. Pajamas are my absolutely favorite kind of clothing. I once considered going into a medical field partically because it meant that I would get to wear scrubs to work everyday and that was as close as I could get to living in pajamas and having a career where I helped people.

8. Until this past summer I had not drank milk out of desire since I was maybe five years old. Then it was like a switch in my brain switched on and I now go through about a gallon of milk a week.

9. Pancakes are one of my least favorite foods, especially my least favorite breakfast food. However, when they are covered in normal applesauce (not the unsweetened or the cinnamon kind) they are one of the best things ever. I never liked pancakes until my grandma served them with applesauce one day and I smothered mine and it was fantastic.

10. I love smelly goody stuff but I don't really care for flowery scents! They need to be the fruity tropical smells or smell like fresh baked goods and such!

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